Tuesday 26 April 2016

Wonderfully Made {Review}

I'm super excited to introduce this new book to you. Wonderfully Made is a fabulous new book from author Danika Cooley. One of my all time favourite times of becoming a Mom was the journey of pregnancy. I  loved devoured every book I could find in the library about prebirth.  The whole journey was one of the most incredible awe inspiring journey's ever. Nathaniel was conceived when Tim and Jane were twelve and ten years old. I could not wait to share with them the miracle of fetal growth.  The most difficult part was finding a book or information on the internet that did not have too much information or detailed pictures.  Thankfully this is no longer an issue as Danika has authored this beautiful book which preserves the sanctity of life and presents the miracle of every child conceived.

Wonderfully Made is designed to allow moms to share God’s amazing design for the development of life from conception to birth in a personalized way with their children in a scientific and Scripture based story.
It is an excellent book that introduces a young child to the wonder of God's creation - the wonder and miracle of birth. From conception in the womb through the nine months within the mother's womb Danika Cooley takes us on a journey of discovery... the discovery of life. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

Week 10, the size of a small plum. (Page 16)

The book is written as a Mother speaking to her child and telling them the story of their very own journey of life from conception to birth. Danika starts the story explaining that God knew the child before conception and that pregnancy is measured from before conception too.  Each week she compares the size of the child to a fruit and explains what God was doing during that week in forming the child.  The illustrator does an amazing job of combining the two concepts.

Through out the story Danika has placed appropriate scriptures turning our hearts and minds towards the miracle God is performing within the womb as he creates us from before we are conceived.

The story is interlaced with scientific facts of development in relation to the week of pregnancy presented in a relatable way to children (I learned a couple of things I did not know) and is beautifully linked to who the child is now. Danika uses twaddle free language (correct terminology),  whenever she uses an unfamiliar word such as surfactant she does so in such a way as to explain what the new word means in a way that children can easily grasp what is being shared.

Birth and conception is covered in a beautiful positive way and without any explicit detail.  Danika uses the story of birth to explain how we are physically born into the world and as a wonderful transition to explaining to children that our spirits need to be reborn.

The Details
  • Author: Danika Cooley
  • Age: Christian families with 5-11 year olds.
  • Format: Hardback
  • Pages: 48
  • Publisher Christian Focus Publications Ltd
  • ISBN10 1781916780
  • ISBN13 9781781916780
  • Purchase from: Book Depository or Amazon

For we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

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Wonderfully Made is a beautiful book and an excellent addition to your book shelf that will be enjoyed by both young and old alike.


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